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04.12.2012 in TRICHOLOGIST

The results of a customer satisfaction survey carried out support the fact that our Hair Centre provides a very professional service.

The Hair Centre London is a national and worldwide leader in hair solutions, developed a customer satisfaction survey in 2011 among its clientele to analyze areas where improvements could be made. This type of study, being developed for us by independent consultants, guarantees absolute objectivity in the results as well as the confidentiality of those surveyed.

One of the main things about The Hair Centre London that makes the company stand out is the promise to always offer the first consultation for free, a tangible extra that without a doubt also influences the level of customer satisfaction.

The results obtained from the analysis were outstanding. For example, 94 % of the customers were satisfied with their experience at The Hair Centre (94% of the women and 94% of the men). From this it can be deduced that these satisfied clients have improved their hair loss problems through specific hair treatments, such as using a trichological hair care program over  12 months, or in cases of advanced alopecia, resorting to a systems of hair replacement without surgery.


Why devise a satisfaction survey if we are already leaders in the market? The answer is very simple: in order to continue offering the best possible service, it was necessary to discover areas where improvements could be made. In addition, it is of extreme importance to listen periodically to the preferences and concerns clients have in order to take the appropriate action. This is especially true when dealing with a subject like healthy hair.

Once the objective of the study was defined, it was time to begin asking the clients.


The study was drawn from a total of 265 interviews among clients from The Hair Centre in London.

The public surveyed were a perfect representation of The Hair Centre clientele. The sample was made up of a gender distribution of 38% males as opposed to 62% females. With regard to age groups, 20% were up to 30 years old, 43% between 31 and 40 years old, 18% older than 41 years old, and one fourth of the sample were above this age.

As with all statistical studies, the supervision of the data was of great importance in order to validate the information gathered. A group of customers were randomly selected to confirm that the data in their questionnaires was in fact true.


And from the study to the conclusions – results notably demonstrate the value of the work developed by The Hair Centre London to save the beauty and health of hair of customers throughout Europe.


91% of the clients have a good or very good overall level of satisfaction with regard to The Hair Centre services.

92% of the clients consider the attention received by the Trichologists to be good or very good.

On evaluating if the customer would recommend The Hair Centre within a scale of 1 to 10, an average high score was obtained 8.2.

92% of the women that received treatment from The Hair Centre consider the quality of the treatment received to be good to very good.

The quality of the products used scored positively.

98% of the trichological treatment customers consider the attention received by the technical staff to be good or very good.


Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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COMBAT HAIR LOSS: How To Grow Your Hair Back (Part 12)

04.12.2012 in COMBAT HAIR LOSS



(1) “Diseases of the Hair & Scalp”
 Rook and Dawber
 Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, 1991

(2) “Essentials of Dermatology”
 J.L. Burton
 Churchill Livingston, London, 1990

(3) “Advanced Hairdressing Science”
 Florence Openshaw
 Longman Scientific, London, 1991

(4) “The Vitamin Bible”
 Earl Mindell
 Arlington Books, London, 1994

(5) “Trace Elements, Hair Analysis and Nutrition”
 Passwater & Cranton
 Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT, 1983

(6) “Androgens and Human Hair Growth”
 Valerie Randall
 Clinical Endocrinology Review, Bradford, UK, 1991

(7) “Ailments & Conditions of the Hair Follicle & Scalp”
 P.G. Davies
 Harley Street Centre for Hair Research, London, 1996

(8) “A Colour Atlas of the Hair Scalp and Nails”
 Baran, Dawber & Levene
 Wolfe Publishing Ltd., London, 1991

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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Alopecia Treated In A Young Woman Of 28 Pictures

03.12.2012 in HAIR LOSS [ PHOTOS ] TREATED

Hair loss can be devastating for both men and women alike. But when you are a young woman with young children suffering from severe Alopecia life can spiral into depression very quickly. This young woman of 28 thought it was to late for help. But after her initial consultation we determined that treatment would really help and be of benefit in her particular case. Here are her results on a very badly damaged front hair line after just 10 months. She was using Vitastim and Biostim in combination twice daily. Her Alopecia has recovered.



Contact The Hair Centre and see if you too can achieve the same results. 


Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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COMBAT HAIR LOSS: How To Grow Your Hair Back (Part 11)

03.12.2012 in COMBAT HAIR LOSS


(1) Hormone System

 Make sure that your hormone levels and the whole endocrine system is correct and functioning normally.  Any hormone irregularities should be checked immediately.   Women will experience several major hormone changes and correct functioning should be ensured.  Seek advice from an endocrinologist.

(2) Anaemia

 Check body iron levels carefully together with ferritin levels.  Even small falls in level lower the red blood count and will adversely affect hair growth.  This is a very common condition and women are particularly susceptible.  A blood test will easily enable you to check this.

(3) Thyroid Gland

 A simple blood test will also check the thyroxin (an Iodine compound) levels in the blood.  Over activity or under activity of the thyroid gland, which produces thyroxin, have a marked adverse effect on hair growth.  The condition is easily controlled by medication.

(4) Systemic Illnesses

 Almost all systemic illnesses adversely affect hair and skin growth, in fact many serious illnesses first appear in dermatological guise .  The autoimmune system is triggered and hair growth is affected.  Make sure you have a full, regular health check.

(5) Health

 You must not only be free of any systemic illnesses.  You must be in really good health, completely fit and well to obtain optimum hair growth.  Have the mineral (elements) levels of the body checked; a simple hair analysis will give you this information.  Diet is the key.  Traces of almost all mineral (elements) are required for correct body functioning, but hair growth will be seriously affected by shortages of calcium, iron and iodine.

(6) Diet

 It is really important to eat well, a good omnivore diet in the correct quantities.  Fresh fruit and fresh vegetables are essential.  Vitamin A, B group vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin H are vital for hair growth.  People whose diet may not be balanced (vegetarians for instance) must have the appropriate supplementation.  If you are not sure consult a qualified nutritionalist.  Extreme slimming regimes will not give the best hair growth.

(7) Toxins

 Try to ensure that toxins are not present in the blood or body tissue, smoking, excess alcohol and other agents will all have an adverse effect.

(8) Alopecia Areata

 Patchy loss of hair and baldness caused by partial failure of the autoimmune system.  Seek expert help from a dermatologist or trichologist.  The condition  almost invariably reverses but help will be required.  Work to remove the causes if they can be identified; stress is very often involved.

(9) Stress

 Control of stress (elimination is doubtful) and stress management is required.  Yoga, deep breathing, counselling – there are techniques available.  High stress levels will adversely affect hair growth as they will increase the hormone levels, particularly adrenalin.

(10) Medical Conditions of the Hair and Scalp

 These can usually be treated or controlled and help from a qualified dermatologist or trichologist should be sought.  A GP is usually overworked, often with life threatening cases and may not be the best person to consult.  These distressing scalp conditions (psoriasis, eczema, etc.) will require treatment before the best hair growth can be achieved.

(11) Damage to the Hair Shaft and Breakage

 Seek expert help as No. (10).  Most conditions will correct themselves once the cause of the damage has been removed.  Check to ensure that permanent scarring and loss of the hair follicles has not occurred.

(12) Exercise

 You must quite simply be fit and well and this has to include some form of regular exercise to increase the heart rate, stimulate the blood flow and top-up the autoimmune system. A healthy life-style will give you optimum hair growth.

(13) The Growth Agents

 Try them; many of them work quite well, sometimes when used in combination.  Find one that suits you but make sure you retain a realistic expectation.  None of these products produce dramatic results; you should aim to stabilise the position and obtain a little re-growth.  It is quite simply not possible in cases of Androgenic Alopecia to re-grow a full head of hair.  Set yourself a realistic budget for this help.  Remember you are only “buying time”.

(14) Check the Cause

 Make sure that the cause of hair loss or poor growth is correctly diagnosed.  The remedy could be quite simple but you must get the diagnosis right.  Consult an expert, a dermatologist or a trichologist.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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COMBAT HAIR LOSS: How To Grow Your Hair Back (Part 10)

02.12.2012 in COMBAT HAIR LOSS


A fine head of hair is a joy to behold and probably one of our most important social and secondary sexual characteristics.  Everybody wants to have a good head of hair and the upset and trauma when problems arise with the hair and hair growth are simply enormous.  Loss of hair or hair condition is viewed by most people as far more serious than even the worst imaginable systemic illness because it is clearly visible, and part of our persona, our style, the way we want people to see us has been changed or permanently lost.

This book sets out the deciding factors; it contains all you need to know to improve your hair growth and to improve your hair condition.  It is a do-it-yourself guide for good hair growth.  Detailed explanations and pictures of some of the many dreadful hair and scalp ailments have been avoided.  These require specialist treatment from a Dermatologist or Trichologist.

Here we try to “accentuate the positive” to show that it is possible for people with average or poor hair growth or condition to improve their position to get to the optimum hair growth.  Everything you ever wanted to know about your hair, and were afraid to ask is set out here.  This book will ensure that you always have a good hair day.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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