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What Is Traction Alopecia?

13.08.2007 in Uncategorized

Question: What is Traction Alopecia?

Answer: Traction alopecia is hair loss caused by constant tension on the hair, such as that created by an over-tight ponytail, plaiting or through using too tight rollers to style the hair. The action of pulling on the hair over a long period of time results in the gradual shrinking of the hair follicle and so the hairs produced become finer and finer.

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How Do I Identify Seborrhoeic Eczema?

13.08.2007 in Uncategorized

Question: How Do I Identify Seborrhoeic Eczema?

Answer: This condition is distinguished by redness and patches of scale on the scalp, usually near the ears and hairline as the oil glands become sensitive to the levels of male hormones or androgens in the system. Individuals have a genetically determined predisposition towards this condition and outbreaks can be triggered by stress at different ages in the sufferer.

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Telogen Effluvium – What Is It?

13.08.2007 in Uncategorized

Question: Telogen Effluvium – What Is It?

Answer: This condition occurs when the growing phase of the hair is interrupted prematurely causing the hair follicles to enter the telogen (resting) phase of the hair cycle earlier than normal. Two to four months later, following the normal cyclic pattern, diffuse shedding of the hair begins. When this happens there are not enough hairs left in the anagen phase, or growing phase, and the result is therefore diffuse thinning of the hair.

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I Have An Itchy Scalp. What Can I Do?

10.08.2007 in Uncategorized

Question: I have a very itchy scalp. The itch is especially at the back of the head around the neck and just above the front of my hairline.When I get hot through sport it is very itchy all over the scalp. My scalps is very scaly all over. What is it? Have I caught something? I have tried different shampoos but nothing seems to help. What can I do?

Answer: Relax it doesn’t sound like head lice. You are describing seborrheic dermatitis this causes just the symptoms that you describe, flaky skin all over the scalp, affecting the nape of the neck, behind the ears and around the front hairline. It is a type of ezcema and coal-tar based shampoos are usually recommended, although these can be very drying to your hair. Shampoos containing tea-tree oil are a useful alternative but try and avoid those with strong colourings as these can just make the problem worse. Seborrheic dermatitis is also linked to skin problems such as you describe affecting your face.

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What Is Alopecia and Do I Have It?


Question: I have 3 patches on my head that are circles, they have just appeared this week. Is this alopecia areata?

Answer: In all probability the answer is YES. But to make sure one hundred percent you should speak directly or if possible see one of our trichologists to confirm the diagnosis.

Alopecia Areata is an extremely common condition and will affect 1% to 2% of the population at some point in their lives. Most sufferers are children and young adults (below 40 years old), though it can affect people of all ages. The hair loss is sudden and manifests itself in small, smooth-skinned patches that are likely to gradually widen with time. It can also affect the sufferer’s nails, giving them a pitted, ridged or brittle appearance. The exact cause is still unknown, although current theories include an auto-immune disease, stress or suggest a genetic basis.

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