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Why Do Men Go Bald?

03 Mar 2009, by Admin in MALE HAIR LOSS

Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL) follows from a one-two punch of genetic influence (probably related to more than one gene, and not necessarily from the maternal side) and hormonal changes in adulthood. The male hormone dihydrotestosterone causes old hairs on the scalp to be replaced by progressively shorter and thinner hairs in a predictable pattern, beginning at the temples and crown of the head.


Men may find themselves crying “MPHL!” (“My Precious, Healthy Locks!”), or raising their receding hairlines skyward, asking “why?”

Well, the fact that one can be genetically predisposed to baldness suggests that losing one’s hair has (or had) some evolutionary advantage. Since mates are selected for genetic worth, a physical trait that boasts of some genetic edge is more likely to spread throughout a species.


A shiny pate may indicate a man’s advanced stage of physical and social maturity. This could encourage increased status in a social group as well as less aggressive behavior from other males, as the bald man is visibly past the threatening stage of high sexual activity, and perhaps more likely to be a nurturer to younger groups as well. This could be a selling point to women looking to mate.

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