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Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a role in hair loss. A vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss.

17 Sep 2018, by heron in HAIR LOSS HEALTH NEWS

In looking at how vitamin D and hair growth are connected.  Does a deficiency cause hair loss, and is it reversible.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

A vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles, so a deficiency can lead to hair loss.

There is evidence that having a vitamin D deficiency does cause hair loss and other hair problems.

Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles to grow, and so when the body does not have enough vitamin D, the hair is affected.

A vitamin D deficiency can also be linked to alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss.

We have found that people with alopecia areata have much lower levels of vitamin D than people who do not have alopecia.

Vitamin D deficiency can also play a role in hair loss in people without alopecia. Other research shows that women who have other forms of hair loss also had lower levels of vitamin D.

How does vitamin D affect hair?

Vitamin D affects the health of many parts of the body, including the hair.

Vitamin D plays a role in the creation of new hair follicles. New follicles will help hair maintain thickness and prevent existing hair from falling out prematurely.

Because of this link, getting adequate amounts of vitamin D can support hair growth and regrowth.

Other vitamin D deficiency symptoms.

People with a vitamin D deficiency may have no symptoms, or their symptoms may be nonspecific and change over time.

Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include:

changes in mood



frequent fractures

slow healing

loss of bone density

muscle weakness

high blood pressure

constant fatigue

chronic pain


decreased endurance

A lack of sunlight or not eating enough foods rich in vitamin D are the most common causes of a vitamin D deficiency.

If you are concerned about vitamin D deficiency-related hair loss should consult a trichologist who will likely suggest supplements, dietary changes, and spending more time outdoors to help combat the deficiency.

Get in touch with us today and book your non-chargeable consultation. Call us on 0207 152 4473 today. 

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