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10 Jul 2008, by haircentre in HAIR LOSS FACTS

* Abnormally excessive exfoliation of the stratum corneum.
* Scales due to increased cell division in the basal layer.
* Dry white scales.
* Sometimes itchy.
* can affect whole scalp.
* Main theory of cause — High levels of the yeast pityrosporum Ovale.
* Inherited trait.
* Stress related. = increase Androgen production, influencing increase of sebum production, ideal conditions for over growth of yeast
*  Diet related — cheese, chocolate, smoking, alcohol and sugar.
*  Low Zinc levels.
*  Elevated copper levels.
*  Can sometimes lead to Seborrhoeic eczema.
Conventional Trichological treatment:
*  Hypoallergenic shampoo base with Cade Oil/ LCD which has antipruritic  (anti itch ) and antimitotic properties (slows down cell division, effectively at 5%). Cationic rinse with antibacterial properties to control the growth of Pityrosporon Ovale.  Cationic antibacterial scalp lotion. Although this is medication most patients find the smell cosmetically difficult to live with, or is it their partners.

*  If stress related, take more exercise, cut down on the above listed foods if you are consuming any in excess. Eat less red meat as it has inflammatory properties. Cut down on fats and prepared or fast food.

* Borage High GLA – 1 DAILY
* Vitamin B Complex – If stress related   daily
* Zinc – daily. + B6.50mg.
* Fish oils -High in DHA /  EPA.

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