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Male Pattern Baldness

28 Aug 2009, by haircentre in MALE HAIR LOSS


Two-thirds of all men will eventually be affected by male pattern baldness in the UK, this means that 7.4 million men are losing their hair at any one time.
There are racial differences, however, in the incidence of male pattern baldness. The highest rates are found among Caucasians, followed by Afro-Caribbeans. Chinese and Japanese men have the lowest rates. For some unknown reason, this form of hair loss is does not occur among Native Americans.
Male pattern baldness runs in the family. If your grandfather, father or brothers went bald early, the chances are that you will too. The strongest influence is on the mother’s side: if your maternal grandfather went bald, that’s probably a better indicator that you will too than if your father’s father lost his hair.

Vitastim and Biostim used together are proven treatments for male-pattern baldness. Most users see improvements, including a halt to the balding or slowing down of it, as well as thicker hair.

In order to treat hair loss effectively we would recommend that you have a diagnosis made as soon as possible by one of our experienced Westminster Trichologists. Stress can be an aggravator in almost all cases of hair loss and an accurate diagnosis will always, at the very least, take some of the stress away from you.

Gary Heron says: “You’ll have access to the most effective treatments available through The Hair Centre and at a fraction of the cost of going to other Private Commercial Clinics and Centres.”

When it’s time to see the Trichologist: If you begin losing hair rapidly, and or are cosmetically concerned about baldness, consult your Trichologist about treatment options. You can receive a free hair loss consultation with a Westminster Trichologist at our Hair Centre.

The point is that you are not getting to the real problem and you should seek specific professional advice from a Westminster Trichologist.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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