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Luxurious Help for Hair Loss Sufferers.

26 Dec 2007, by haircentre in HAIR LOSS PRODUCTS AND TREATMENTS

Robin Hempel, 40, is a thyroid patient (she’s hypothyroid) who struggled with hair loss, and came up with an innovative product to help people with hair and skin problems: Pavatisilk. Her new company sells pillowcases and hair scrunchies that have special properties. I asked Robin to share her story…

Thyroid and hormonal issues were wreaking havoc on my hair and skin. My hair was getting brittle and dry, and worst of all, falling out. It was one of the toughest times in my life! I had bouts of adult acne that I just could not control.

I was falling apart and was determined to do everything I could to help my hair and skin while I was getting my thyroid and hormonal issues under control! One thing I knew for sure is that I needed to be extra gentle on my hair and keep my skin as clean as possible.
I knew that when you sleep, gravity and friction against cotton was not helping. Cotton is rougher under a microscope and absorbs bacteria’s, moisture and oils. I learned from my past experience of working for over 10 years in my Mom’s fabric shop, and working with a scientist and biologist, that I could come up with something gentler for my hair and skin while I slept for hours upon hours each night!

That’s how Pavati Silk was created. The patent pending weave is so tight, hair glides across it. Fragile hair does not get caught in the weave and further damaged or even tugged out. Pavatis are naturally antibacterial and antifungal, keeping my skin cleaner and nighttime allergies at bay! Pavati Silk is lipohobic (repels oils and lipids) and hygroscopic (absorbs limited amounts of moisture) which keeps hair and skin in a more normal balance.
After using my Pavati, I was getting fewer split ends and had no more bed head. I truly feel Pavatis made an enormous difference in caring for my fragile hair and skin on the outside, while I was dealing with balancing my thyroid and my hormones on the inside.

Three cheers for Robin for coming up with a solution to a problem, and creating a product to help her fellow hair loss sufferers! You can check out the line of beautiful Pavati pillowcases and scrunchies (they come in various solid colors and prints) online at their site.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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