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Is there any treatment for hair loss?

22 Dec 2009, by haircentre in HAIR LOSS PRODUCTS AND TREATMENTS


Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent further hair loss.

Treatments may also help slow or prevent the development of common baldness. One treatment, minoxidil another is Vitastim, these are available without a prescription. It is applied to the scalp. Both men and women can use it. Another treatment, Biostim, this again is available without a prescription. It comes in a lotion form and is appropriate for both men and women to use. It may take up to 6 months before you can tell if one of these treatments is working.

If adequate treatment is not available for your type of hair loss, you may consider trying different hairstyles or wigs, hairpieces, hair weaves or artificial hair replacement. These are for extreme cases, as most types of hair loss are treatable in the early stages these days.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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