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I believe I have the condition Acne necrotica millaris.

15 Jan 2008, by haircentre in TRICHOLOGIST


I believe I have the condition Acne necrotica millaris as I have acne on my scalp which is very sore. They are more like big pimples that are sore when you touch them. My wife said she has noticed that they are leaving scars on the scalp which is very worrying. Sometimes the scalp is fine other times I get a breakout which last for sometime.

I looked on your website which was a breathe of fresh air because it very hard to find anything on the internet regarding this condition. My doctor prescribed me dalicin/tetracycline which worked but when I stopped in came back.

What do you advise. My face and body is fine it’s just my scalp.

I saw the below products which you recommend for the condition.

How much are they and how do I purchase.

No.2 – Salictlic Acid and Cade Oil Scalp Cream

No.4 – Shampoo with Juniper Oil for Dandruff

No.11 – Lotion with Glycerine for Irritated Scalps

I really need to get rid of this as it drives me crazy 🙁

Thanks for your time.


This condition is recognised by pustules along the front hairline typically, although they can also occur elsewhere on the upper body. The pustules may be slightly painful and are often pruritic or itchy. When they involve the scalp the pustules may leave small patches of cicatricial (permanent) scarring as they have a central necrosis, which can destroy the hair follicle. This condition is considered to be of an unknown origin, although stress is often incriminated in precipitating occurrences.

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