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22 Aug 2008, by haircentre in ALOPECIA AREATA, HAIR LOSS [ PHOTOS ] TREATED

This Patient started treatment with us in June 2007. Aisha is now 22 and has had Alopecia Areata since she was 11 years old. As you can see as she reaches the end of her 12 months’ treatment she has responded superbly to our treatment recommendations.

The key to successful treatment is threefold:

1. Correct diagnosis

2. Correct treatment

3. Regular treatment application and supervision by a Westminster Trichologist.



We prescribed the following treatments:

Vitastim 15% Hair Regrowth Stimulant and Hair Loss Stabiliser:
This stimulant is recommended to help stabilise hair loss and strengthen existing hair.  It is a natural hop-based solution that works as a vasodilator to increase blood circulation in the scalp and so enable healthy hair growth.  It also contains a multi-vitamin complex to help catalyse the process of conversion of amino acids into keratin hair cells and accelerate growth and diameter of the hair from the dermal papilla.

Follicle Builder 15% Hair Strengthener:
This stimulant is formulated to increase cell metabolism and nutrient concentration at the hair root to increase hair cell production.  It also has the effect of extending the hair growth cycle, improving overall hair density.

No matter how bad you may think your hair loss or scalp disorder is it is never too late to seek advice.

You may be thinking:

“No sorry there is nothing we can do in your particular case”

 Many people think it’s just too late for them and are resigned to baldness.

Remember it costs nothing to ask as your initial consultation is free.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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