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A pill to straighten hair?

21 Dec 2009, by haircentre in TRICHOLOGIST

Beautiful Hair 1

Could this be the end of hair straighteners? Researchers believe that they have isolated the gene responsible for curly hair and are hoping that they can create a pill to make your hair straighter or curlier without the need for expensive hair accesories.

Australian scientists have recently discovered that the trichohyalin gene is mainly responsible for creating curls in hair. It is hoped that the discovery will not just be a boon to the beauty industry but will also help police forensics – hair and DNA found at scenes of crime may indicate what sort of hair the suspects have.

The researchers have also said they are hoping to find new ways to straighten hair without treating the hair directly. They have also revealed that they will be talking to a major cosmetics company early in the new year over their findings.

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