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I am a 24 year old African American female and I believe I have traction alopecia.

15 Jan 2008, by haircentre in TRICHOLOGIST

Hello, I am a 24 year old African American female and I believe I have traction alopecia and it’s been well over 6 months and my hair hasn’t grown back on my temples. I use to wear tight braids for awhile. I hope to be able to purchase/discover the Follicle Builder II product in hopes of it possibly working for me but I was told that since it’s been over 6 months that my hair will not grow back. Is this true?

Traction alopecia is hair loss caused by constant tension on the hair, such as that created by an over-tight ponytail, plaiting or through using too tight rollers to style the hair. The action of pulling on the hair over a long period of time results in the gradual shrinking of the hair follicle and so the hairs produced become finer and finer.

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