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What Is Contact Dermatitis? Do I Have It?

04.10.2007 in Uncategorized

Answer: Contact dermatitis is distinguished by redness and irritation of the skin. The inflammation results from contact of a substance, either irritant or allergic, with the skin. Approximately 80 per cent of cases of contact dermatitis are the result of irritants on the skin. With allergic contact dermatitis the cause of the skin inflammation is a hypersensitivity response to a specific substance, after repeated allergen exposure.

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What Is Pseudopelade? Do I Have It?

04.10.2007 in Uncategorized

Answer: Pseudopelade is characterised by the development of small, smooth patches without any clinical changes other than transient erythema (redness). The initial patch is usually on the crown of the head, but can occur anywhere on the scalp. It is generally regarded as a clinical syndrome, which may be the end result of any one of a number of different pathological processes due to a weakened immune system.

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What Is Lichen Planus? Do I Have It?

03.10.2007 in Uncategorized

Answer: Lichen Planus is a skin disease which can appear on any area of the skin. The most common areas are the inner wrists, the forearms and the ankles, although lichen planus may also affect the nails, the inside of the mouth or, as in your case, the scalp, where it leads to hair loss. It is characterised by purple or reddish-purple bumps on the skin with flat tops, an uneven shape and which can be very itchy. Most sufferers are middle-aged adults, though it can affect people of all ages. In many cases, the cause of lichen planus can’t be found, although it can be aggravated by stress. Lichen planus of the scalp must be treated without delay or the hair may never grow back.

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What Is Neurodermatitis? Do I Have It?

03.10.2007 in Uncategorized

Answer: Neurodermatitis is distinguished by pruritus (itchiness) and often patches of lichenified (raised and rough) skin on the nape of the neck. This condition affects more women than men and is usually triggered during a stressful period in the sufferer’s life. The nape of the neck becomes itchy and is rubbed or scratched, resulting in an abrasion of the skin and disrupting the lipid balance. The affected area then becomes dry and so susceptible to pruritus, which in turn encourages scratching. A catch 22 situation is created and without treatment, this condition will progressively worsen.

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What Is Mycotic Infections? Do I Have It?

03.10.2007 in Uncategorized

Anwser: Mycotic Infections of the scalp are common in children and are caused by contact with a yeast or fungus, which invades the hair shaft and scalp. Symptoms include itching, hair breakage and often infection. The clinical features include circular patches where the hair has broken off with a very red, pruritic (itchy) area and weeping.

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