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Health-Related Hair Loss

19.03.2009 in HAIR LOSS FACTS

While hair loss is more harmful to the psyche than anything else, some of the causes of baldness may represent serious health problems. That’s why it’s important to talk about hair loss with a Trichologist.

One problem is alopecia areata. It’s an autoimmune disease of unknown cause in which inflammatory cells attack the bulbs of the follicles under the scalp, leaving hairless patches. In more serious cases, hair may fall out from the entire head–eyebrows and beard included–and the entire body. Many times, though, the hair returns spontaneously.

Childbirth, severe malnutrition, chemotherapy, thyroid problems, and a form of lupus can also cause hair loss.

Something as simple as pigtails or cornrows, if worn too long, can cause hair loss, too, because of the stress they cause to the hair shaft.

The medical opinion concerning the role of emotional stress in balding is mixed. If stress does play a role, however, it’s only at times of extreme emotional trauma.

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Factual Information on Baldness and Hair Loss

13.03.2009 in HAIR LOSS FACTS


To understand baldness in a more logical perspective, it is something that is brought upon by various reasons. Some baldness are caused by some diseases that directly target hair or hair growth. Alopecia areata is an example. There is also an illness called Traction alopecia which cause people to pull on their hair. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, both of which are abnormalities in one’s thyroid glands, could also cause frontal and parietal hair loss, respectively. Hair loss can also be caused by a person’s insufficient diet. Inadequate protein or iron can bring about hair loss and if not diagnosed, could eventually lead to a lot of hair falling. Medical treatments such as chemotherapy and other forms of radiation and drugs can stun hair growth and could also result to hair fall. Even those who are taking contraceptive pills could also experience hair fall. And, quite surprisingly, women who just gave birth and who thought that the only things that they need to worry about after giving birth are the baby and their figures may also experience excessive amounts of their hair falling.

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Understanding Baldness and Hair Loss Treatments

12.03.2009 in HAIR LOSS FACTS

Superstitious Beliefs

We all have these superstitious beliefs about hair loss. When our hair starts to fall off little by little, we start blaming our mother’s father for passing down some bad genes. When we find out that our grandfathers had thick hair until their very last days, we start blaming all the stressful activities that we go through – career problems, marital bliss, among others. Then, we also conclude that it might just be an effect of a psychological phase that we are undergoing. And if nothing is to blame for all of these, we conclude that it is all because of our unexplainable fondness for tight hats. However, these preconceived ideas are more superstitious than factual. They are not really the causes for becoming bald.

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Fact or Fiction: Improper hair care can lead to hair loss

05.03.2009 in HAIR LOSS FACTS


If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally.


However, scarring can cause permanent damage to the hair and scalp. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in perms may cause swelling of the hair follicle, which can also result in scarring and cause permanent hair loss.

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