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Why is my hair falling out?

23.01.2008 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

Black PR Wire (press release):

Many African-American women have or are currently experiencing hair loss. Obvious hair damage is spreading like an epidemic and we may be the cause of it. Wearing trendy styles such as pigtails, micro braids and bonding glue weaves may not be such a good idea if worn frequently or if the person doing your hair is “Tracey from up the street” who may or may not be appropriately trained to style and care for hair.
Licensed cosmetologists who specialize in growth are the best candidates to have caring for your hair. Reason being, they know that braiding hair in an extremely tight fashion causes the nerves within the scalp to die thus creating spilt ends. This can result to patches or a receding hairline effect. Tight braids may last longer but is it worth looking like a middle aged man? If you decide to use glue, the beautician should shield your hair with a cap and while using gel, spritz your hair and put you under the dryer to harden the substances. After the hardening process comes to an end, the beautician will then glue on the hair. Most beauticians will recommend you see them to remove the hair or you can simply wash it out using a glue removing shampoo instead of ripping it out of your hair.
Women sometimes find themselves so stuck on do-it-yourself methods that they end up damaging their hair until nothing is left or hiding it under weaves because of the damage caused. Sometimes hair is damaged to the point in which we can no longer wear some of the styles we are accustomed to, fearing our bald spots will show or having to wear bangs to cover the receding hairline we now possess.
When visiting a new beautician, look for signs to see if the beautician specializes in hair care and growth as opposed to ripping you and your hair off.

Sign #1: Are the women in the salon just getting weaves put in? If so what are they trying to hide or cover up?

Sign #2: Do any of the beautician’s clients have healthy hair or any of their own hair at all?

Sign #3: Look around (including at the beautician). Are you the only person with natural hair in the salon?

Your answer to these questions should determine whether or not you should find an alternative salon.
Moreover, hair needs to be moisturized. It’s like a plant. In order for it to grow, the soil needs to be moist. In this case the soil is your scalp. Unlike a plant. You don’t need to expose your hair to the sun. The sun’s UV rays can damage your hair making it dry and brittle.
Hair coloring can also be damaging. Those do-it yourself kits may be convenient, but not always the right choice. Coloring is better left to the professionals who will make sure the color is flattering to your skin tone even creating a color that suits you while ensuring that the process is done right. Colored hair needs special care and time. This type of hair needs to be moisturized at all times. If you fail to do this, your hair will become weak and break off leaving you wonder why your hair isn’t growing.
Have you ever heard the old wives tale; in order for your hair to grow, you need to trim your ends? Like most of myths, this is false. Hair grows from the roots and not the ends. Once the hair has grown out of the scalp it’s considered dead. Trimmed ends are recommended because it gives your hair a manicured look.

Sometimes hair loss is due to a disorder, stress, illness, hereditary, wearing your hair in the same style frequently, or just plain neglect. If you can help it, break the cycle! These trendy styles are great to wear but you need to let your hair rest frequently and let a professional give it a good treatment and wash.

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Thinning Hair Problems.

18.01.2008 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

Comments: I have relaxed hair and have noticed over the last three years my hair has got thinner.  I have used Nourkrin but it did not work.  I have notice that the front of my hair has receded quite alot.  Please can you advise.

the-human-hair.jpg      female-hair-thinning.jpg

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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Female Hair Loss: I Am 61 And I Have Had Great Results After Just 9 Months Of Treatments.


                              photo-0092.jpg          photo-0090.jpg February 2007 

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                              May 2007                            November 2007    

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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17.01.2008 in FEMALE HAIR LOSS

While male pattern baldness may be the first thing that springs to mind when discussing hair loss, it’s worth remembering that there are many different factors that can contribute to hair loss – and several of them apply to females too.                                    

We experience hair loss constantly – and while that tangle of strands in your plug hole may seem frightening, it’s worth remembering that you can expect to lose from 50-100 strands in the course of a normal day. It sounds like a lot, but is actually only a small fraction of your hair. The normal cycle of hair replacement is around two to six years, but there a number of instances where you may see additional loss.


After major surgery, a traumatic experience or a stressful period some people experience ‘shedding’: a disturbance of the hair cycle often taking place three to four months after the incident, where hair is lost in a concentrated period. You’ll be happy to know that in these cases hair loss is temporary.

Pregnancy also has an impact on the female hair-growth cycle; you reap the rewards during pregnancy, but post-birth your hormone levels drop and it may feel as though you are losing a lot of hair. Don’t worry though; it is merely the same amount of hair you would have lost normally.

There are some hair loss causes that are firmly within our control – things like hair extensions or restrictive hair curlers can cause traction alopecia, where the hair is disengaged from the root. So avoid putting unnecessary stress on your hair! It’s also crucial that you do a strand test every time you colour your hair to avoid hair breakage and loss. Some medicines can also cause temporary female hair loss, so have a chat with your doctor if you think you have been affected by your medicine.

The best way to look after your hair is to look after yourself. Vitamin C and B-2 are particularly good treatments for hair loss – but a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables will do wonders for weak hair.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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TrichoTalk: New Hair Loss Forum Launched.

16.01.2008 in TRICHOLOGIST

Is a brand new forum where you can either telephone 0207 976 6868 or email one of our panel of hair experts and receive a same day answer on your hair loss worries and concerns.

Diagnosis over the telephone is very hard and in some cases virtually impossible, if that’s the case, and you need and want to take things a stage further then you can book straight in to see one of our resident specialists for a complete and accurate same day diagnosis.

This service is absolutely free and confidential.

We have decided to launch this service purely because of the demand has increased over the past 2 years for us to provide this type of service.

Call TrichoTalk today and get the answers to your questions from an expert today!



Why not call 0207 976 6868 and speak to one of our trichologist who will be happy to help and advise you.

Your initial consultation and assessment are free. So why not take advantage of our expertise and get the facts so that you can make an informed decision on what is best for the future of your hair today.

Take control of your hair loss today so that it does not control your life.

However, not all cases are treatable. But with early diagnosis and treatment you will give yourself and us the best possible chance to help you.

Do you have Hair Loss Problems, read our Hair Loss Help

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